Friday, February 27, 2009

Blighter's Rock

For someone who's had serious writer's block for 25 years, there's nothing quite as terrifying as staring at this blank page and writing this first line.

After years of making excuses - too busy, not interested, unsure what to write about - I'm finally starting this blog. I have no idea if it will take off or even survive beyond this first post. And I feel awfully self-conscious about getting into something that everyone else started doing years ago.

I'm a left field, food-obsessed mama living in the wilds of Belgium. I love books, art, travel, Tai Chi and this fragile blue marble we call Earth. I adore my family who regularly drive me bonkers. As a firm believer in equal opportunities, I drive them nuts too. I live to eat, and I'm a pretty good cook and baker. I loathe housework although I do it well..... when I can arse myself to do it! I truly belong behind the wheel of an Aston Martin, but the reality is I drive a tiny ageing red VW named Miles. I'm passionate about things like laughter, Jin Shin Jyutsu, poetry, pottery, music that makes me want to move (and music that moves me), the health of our planet, living simply, giving back. Spirituality is important to me; religion not at all. I swear far too often. I'm a Leo. I believe that faith, love, a sense of humor, chocolate and the Main Central Vertical Flow will get me through just about anything.



The Poet's Lizard said...

Hooray, hooray! Welcome to the blogosphere! You've always had it in you, Meg... I look forward to reading and being regaled. Hugs, Luisa

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you've decided to start a blog! Herzlich Willkommen and Mabuhay!

Anonymous said...

I just knew you would be a good read. Blog on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg
I love your blog it`s great!
The recipe for your beer batter is very nice indeed. There was a time when it was more beer than batter for me but I always felt battered after the beer so if I go on the batter now I`m not on the beer!!!huh...
Keep it up it`s very good and lots of fucking swearing ok it give you the Gordon Ramsey edge he he and the people "whom" don`t like swearing can f#*k off!!!
Just kiddin. so I will be a regular stalker on your blog big love, joy and happiness to you and all Mo Banjo

Anonymous said...

Yahoo!!!!! I'm so glad you've finally decided to come out of hibernation. Let the juices flow, Meg.

Anonymous said...

meg, thats an amazing blog you made. it makes me understand more about your life there. too bad for trouble, im sure you all miss her. im amazed at your cooking and baking skills. i wish i could do the same. i guess im a frustrated cook. i always watch lifestyle channel and iron chef, but i just end up admiring what they do. keep up the good work there. wonderful blog, wonderful.


Megatonlove said...

Thank you all so much! Your encouragement means more to me than you will ever know.